How To Stay Fit In Car Racing


Motorsport is among the riskiest sports in the world. Thus, it is important for car racers to stay fit. In addition, free car check and other services can help them avoid accidents.

How to stay fit in racing: Tips for motorsport drivers

Serves breakfast every day

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. According to studies, people who eat breakfast daily tend to have a better diet, generally consuming more fruits, vegetables, milk, and grains. Breakfast raises your blood sugar levels, which gives you more energy to start your day strong. It also extends the time until lunch, so you can drive more, which is very important for motorsport drivers.

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Choose healthy snacks between meals

Healthy snacks throughout the day will help you reduce portions from main meals. Check out some examples of healthy snacks below:

  • Hummus with vegetables
  • Hard-boiled eggs
  • Dried fruits
  • Hazelnuts / Nuts
  • Meat pastrami
  • Cheese
  • Black chocolate
  • Yogurt

Eat more salad and greens

Eating salad or greens twice a day will increase your level of attention on the road. Greens are a good source of vitamin K, which prevents some problems that can occur due to age. It also helps lower blood cholesterol and improves eyesight, which is important for drivers.

Drink lots of water

Lack of water in the body can affect your alertness on the road. Drivers should drink a minimum of 1 liter of water per day to ensure they are performing at their highest potential.

Drink a maximum of 2 cups of coffee a day

Coffee may help you stay focused on the road, but too much caffeine isn’t good for anyone. If you follow the steps above, along with getting enough sleep, your need for coffee should decrease. However, 2 cups of coffee a day is acceptable.

Give up carbonated drinks

They dehydrate you and are bad for your teeth. You have other, much healthier options at hand like water, natural juice, or tea.

Enough sleep

Drivers should sleep at least 7 hours a day.

Do exercise

You should exercise at least three times a week to avoid weight gain. There are many exercise programs suitable for motorsport drivers that you can do even if you are out racing. When you take a break from driving, you can run for 15 minutes, for example. You don’t need any special equipment and you can do it anywhere.